
Instructions for students: 

1. Answer any or all of the questions below. The important point to remember is that you must provide at least 400 words written in your best Finnish, Swedish or English (depending on the language of the test) in order to be able to achieve a pass.

Question 1

Briefly summarise your thesis, including your conclusions. 
Kirjoita lyhyt tiivistelmä opinnäytetyöstäsi mukaan lukien johtopäätöksesi.
Skriv en kort sammanfattning av ditt examensarbete inklusive dina slutsatser. 

Question 2

Based on what you know now, what would you have done differently? 

Perustuen siihen mitä nyt tiedät, mitä olisit tehnyt toisin? 

På basis av det som du vet nu, vad skulle du har gjort annorlunda? 

Question 3

What opportunities for further research arise from your thesis? 

Millaisia jatkotukimusmahdollisuuksia opinnäytetyöstäsi nousee?

Vilka förslag till fortsatt forskning ger ditt slutarbete anledning till? 

3. Submit your answer as follows:

3.1. Select the tiny cloud icon (bottom right corner) and enter your answers in the text box that opens:

        • Write the title of your submission using your own name
        •  When your answer is completed, confirm that you have written it with your own words

3.2. Agree Turnitin Terms of Use 

3..3 Submit