Adverse effects: a harmful or abnormal result after the administration of a vaccine

Allergy: a condition in which immune system reacts when an extraneous factor such as food, component of vaccine or medicine

Antibody: a protein produced by immune system that helps the body to defend from the foreign material (virus, bacteria etc.)

Antigen: a substance that causes immune system to produce antibodies against it because the body does not recognize it (virus, bacteria, chemicals etc.)

Anti-vaccination movement: a loosely organized conspiracy theorist subculture that blames the medical practice of vaccinations for a wide range of health problems

Anti-vaxxer: a person who strongly disagrees with vaccine practice.

Asylum-seeker: a person under persecution or risking damages in his/her country of origin, asking for protection in another country, as refugee, and waiting for an answer.


Bivalent vaccine: a vaccine used to prevent infection of two different antigens, such as two different viruses or other microorganisms


Clandestine: a person who entered or transited in a country without a permission of staying, and without documents.


Discrimination: when people are not treated in an equal way, just because they are part of a specific group (e.g. ethnic, religious).



Harbor many other diseases: if someone is afflicted by bacteria or virus and gets sick


Immigrant/Migrant: a person who afford a migration path.

Immune response: a bodily response to an antigen

Immunisation: immunization, vaccination

Immunity: ability of human body to protect itself from infectious diseases.

Immunocompromised people: these people have weak immune system caused by medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, AIDS and other genetic disorders. Also, some kind of therapies could reduce a person’s immunity

Immunosuppression therapy: medication that reduces the immunity response of the body

Inactivated or killed vaccines: These vaccines contained the killed or inactivated pathogen type of a virus or bacteria. Booster shots are needed in order to reinforce the immunity against the disease

International certificate of vaccination or Prophylaxis: an internationally known certificate, which is provided to travellers after being vaccinated by authorised health professionals

Irregular migrant: a person who entered or transited in a country without a permission of staying (e.g. visa).

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Live recombinant or conjugate vaccine: kind of vaccines that are produced by using a specific part of the germ (the protein, saccharine or capsid of it) in order to produce a very effective vaccine that can be given to all people including those who are immunocompromised

Live-attenuated vaccine: is a vaccine created by reducing the virulence of a pathogen, but still keeping it live


Malaise: a condition that someone feels ill or weak or a general sense of not well being

Meningitis endemic zones: a geographical area where a particular disease is prevalent


Protection: it is a condition in which the individual rights are protected and promoted, according to the law.


Refugee: an asylum seeker who obtains the legal protection, and the permit to stay in another country.

Routine vaccines: the recommended vaccines for children and or adults in a country


Serogroups: a group of related or common genetically viruses or bacteria 

Side effects: is an unintended, negative reaction to a vaccine (medicine or treatment)

State of transit: the country in which an person travels during his/her migration path toward another country.



Unaccompanied minors: a person (minor than 18 years old) traveling alone.


Vaccine denier: a member of a subgroup at the extreme end of the hesitancy con­tinuum; one who has a very negative attitude towards vaccination and is not open to a change of mind no matter what the scientific evidence says

Vaccine hesitancy continuum: a continuum, ranging from total acceptance of vaccines to complete refusal of them

Vaccine hesitancy: a delay in acceptance or refusal of vaccines despite availability of vaccination services



Zuletzt geändert: Freitag, 26. Februar 2021, 16:20